Supplier Discovery

Activate your Supplier Discovery membership, get the chance to meet new buyers and submit your offers!


Digitize your processes through Promena's RFx and e-Auction module. Reach new suppliers thanks to the Supplier Discovery, while providing time savings, transparency and operational efficiency in the bidding processes you carry out with your suppliers.

Companies can reach a wide range of suppliers classified under categories through the bidding processes they initiate through Promena, and can provide a price/performance advantage as a result of competition.


Promena Supplier Discovery is an electronic fair that allows suppliers to meet their products and services with buyer companies, and allows buyer companies to expand their supplier network.

Buyer companies can view similar or identical products and services from many suppliers, while suppliers can create new business opportunities related to the products and services they offer. Supplier Discovery provides quality increase and higher savings rate in purchasing activities for buyer companies, and higher turnover and awareness in their sectors for suppliers.

Activate your Supplier Discovery membership, get the chance to meet new buyers and submit your offers!